Saturday, August 25, 2012

Counting Blessings

I am so blessed.  That is a thought I haven't been able to get out of my mind over the past couple of days.  I am blessed to have such a kind and loving Lord.

I think back to one year ago. I was just starting my Junior year at IU.  I had no real idea of what the next 12 months would bring.  I have definitely had some difficult times, but it is amazing to think back about the ways God has worked in my life.  I enjoyed an amazing fall semester at IU where I formed many new friendships and grew through some pretty difficult times.  I spent the spring in Germany where I got to live with an incredible family, experience the beginning of a new church plant, and read and have quiet time and really experience God's beauty.  I got to travel through 4 beautiful countries and got to understand God's love and kindness and beauty just a little better. I spent the summer in Louisville. I got to be close to my parents and work with such wise, caring people.  I learned through mistakes and was even humbled a bit (I still have a ways to go, though!) I am starting to see how tiny I am and how HUGE God is.

I am excited to see what God has in store for the next year.  I have already had some trying times and can start to see ways God is going to help me grow during my last year of school. He is also blessing me with great relationships and great peace.

I have been so blessed to be able to spend so much time with new students coming into town from all around the world! This is all part of God's great plan! He is blessing this campus greatly.  And He is letting me be part of it! I have been giggling with joy the past few days! Thinking about how God always calms my fears and anxieties. Thinking about how scripture is being fulfilled in front of my eyes.  This is a beautiful blessing.  I want to soak in each day.  I want to lose my pride and find humility and learn something new everyday.  I want to see lives changed.  I have so much hope, because I have such an awesome God!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

What makes a girl a lady?

I've decided to start a new little project. I'm going to try to become more of a lady.

What does that mean, you ask? Great question. I pretty much have no idea. That's why I'm trying it out.  I'm going to do some experimenting, ask questions to women who seem to be very lady-like, and do a lot of praying.

I came up with this idea one day after I was complaining about men who are not gentlemen. I am always one of the first girls to complain when a guy is not acting like a gentleman. Would I love it if guys everywhere were opening doors for girls? Of course I would. I totally understand that isn't going to happen, though. And I'm not doing this to try to change guys; that's not my job. I'm doing this to practice what I preach and to learn.

I've been experimenting with things like make-up, curling irons, actual hair conditioner  for the first time in years this week. I honestly don't think approving physical appearance is what really makes a girl a lady.  But now is a great time for me to experiment. It's a great time to try to figure out my own opinions about these things.

What makes a girl a  real lady? That's something I want to uncover.  I'm going in to this blindly.  I don't know what God is going to show me through this, but I'm excited to see how it will go!

Also, I'm really excited to read through this blog: