Wednesday, August 22, 2012

What makes a girl a lady?

I've decided to start a new little project. I'm going to try to become more of a lady.

What does that mean, you ask? Great question. I pretty much have no idea. That's why I'm trying it out.  I'm going to do some experimenting, ask questions to women who seem to be very lady-like, and do a lot of praying.

I came up with this idea one day after I was complaining about men who are not gentlemen. I am always one of the first girls to complain when a guy is not acting like a gentleman. Would I love it if guys everywhere were opening doors for girls? Of course I would. I totally understand that isn't going to happen, though. And I'm not doing this to try to change guys; that's not my job. I'm doing this to practice what I preach and to learn.

I've been experimenting with things like make-up, curling irons, actual hair conditioner  for the first time in years this week. I honestly don't think approving physical appearance is what really makes a girl a lady.  But now is a great time for me to experiment. It's a great time to try to figure out my own opinions about these things.

What makes a girl a  real lady? That's something I want to uncover.  I'm going in to this blindly.  I don't know what God is going to show me through this, but I'm excited to see how it will go!

Also, I'm really excited to read through this blog:

1 comment:

  1. My mom and grandmother used to (often) admonish me, "That is NOT very lady-like!"

    I would reply - from age 4 to 24 - "I never said I was a lady!"

    So, I am may not be a good candidate for advising you about what makes a girl a lady. But then again, my Mom was a lady. Her Mom was a lady. And they would both tell you I know what DOESN'T make a lady. ;-) (Probably didn't help that I was adopted, and played up that aspect, too - sorry, Mom!)

    Curious to see what you decide makes a lady. I've yet to learn...maybe you'll teach me?

    Cgb in Ky
