Monday, January 23, 2012

Called to Go?

I feel really blessed with the opportunities that I've had to spend time overseas.  At this point, I've gotten to spend a week or more in about 5 different countries. I know to many people that doesn't sound like much, but I hope to see that number to continue to grow. I'm so thankful for my time in Italy and even my week stay in Guatemala and already thankful for my time here in Germany.  I love experiencing new cultures.

It wasn't too long ago that my mom was picking me up from sleepovers at midnight (that was even when I was still in middle school...) Things started changing a bit when I decided to go to Guatemala on a mission trip.  Guatemala was a place I had always want to go and I saw the trip advertised at church one day and within about a week I was signed up.  God was totally working there and I didn't even fully realize it at the time.  I found it odd that I was just excited and confident with my decision and didn't even feel nervous.  I was going to another country with a group of people I didn't even know.  With my history, it was pretty odd that I did that. I mean, at one point I didn't think I'd be able to go to school 2 hours away from home. I am so glad God sent me on that trip.  I really loved my time in Guatemala.  I learned so much from the people I was with and especially from the children there.  I really saw the love of God there and God really put a love and a desire in my heart.

About a year after that trip to Guatemala, I started searching for opportunities to spend time overseas.  When I got to IU I started looking for overseas study programs right away but nothing was working out well with my major (which seems odd considering I'm studying tourism.) So over Christmas break of my sophomore year I made a profile on an au pair website.  I really didn't think much would come from it when I made the profile.  Within about two weeks, I had a offer from a great family in Italy to spend the summer with them as their first au pair. Before I knew it, I was buying a plane ticket and making travel plans.  That was kind of unreal for everyone in my family.  I, a homesick little girl, was going to go to Italy without anyone I knew for 12 weeks.

 I was confused before deciding to go to Italy, though. For months I had planned on going on Summer Project with Cru and doing campus ministry overseas for 6-8 weeks.  I really had a desire to go. I easily saw ways that God could use me.  I did have a hard time giving that decision to Him.  I tried to trick myself, but I think knew Summer Project wasn't what God was calling me to do the whole time.

So in May, I packed my bags and headed to Macerata. I got to live with and really be a port of a wonderful family, eat great food, see so many different towns, and have a lot of great alone time.  It was also odd that I enjoyed so much alone time.  I have (had?) a bit of separation anxiety.  I've always loved being close to my close friends and family (especially my mother) but I really took advantage of my free time in Italy and did a lot of thinking, journaling, and praying during that time.  My love of being overseas grew and grew.  I did have some days where I missed home a lot. It was hard not knowing the language and although I had a great relationship with my host parents and grandparents and aunts and uncles, I didn't have the best relationship with the kids.  Me being there was hard on me as well as Gabriele and Elena at times.  Overall, I had a wonderful experience and although I was ready to be home, it was so hard to leave at the end.  I fell in love with the Italian towns, language, food, and people.

A couple of months ago, on a Saturday morning I woke up and decided I really wanted to go overseas again. The next thing I knew everything worked out perfectly for me to spend this "semester" in Germany as an au pair.  I didn't understand why God would be calling me here and I still don't know what the reasoning is, but I do know this feels right.  It's hard to describe my feelings since I've been here. I may be speaking too soon considering this is just my first week here, but everything just feels right I guess. I've had my times when I've felt nervous (mostly because of language barriers and figuring out public transportation, etc.) but for the most part this just feels right.  It's a different feeling than I've ever had when I've traveled.  Well, I've felt this before but not quite to this extent.  I love this community I'm a part of and the people I've gotten to meet and the things I've already gotten to see. I'm also excited for my future plans while I'm here.  It's odd that I haven't felt homesick yet.  I know this culture is similar to American culture and I'm living in a home where English is spoken fluently, but it's still a change for me and I'm still thousands of miles away from home.  This is really confirming to me that I'm able to live overseas, especially if it is something God is calling me to do.

I see opportunities that I have for mission work both in the US and overseas after I graduate.  I know all of these opportunities are great and if I go where God is truly calling me I"ll be satisfied, but I really hope that He ultimately calls me to go overseas.  I have this huge desire in my heart to serve in this way.  I love ministry and I love being overseas and being with people from other cultures and backgrounds.  I am so grateful for the opportunities I've already had and interested to see where God will lead me next. My biggest prayer is that I will just really open myself up and listen to God.  He knows my heart and I know if I listen to Him great things will happen.  So, if you're interested in praying for me, please just pray that I will open my mind and my heart to God. I'll be praying the same for all of you as well. 

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