Sunday, January 22, 2012

International Weekend

I've had such a great first weekend here in Deutschland. :) I met so many people here this weekend and saw a lot of new things.

On Friday, I slept in, made lunch, then went to school to pick the girls up.  I drove Leonie and her friend Nia to the house along with the neighbor boy Francesco (who is half Italian and have Scottish, so I'm having him help me with my Italian.) While the three kids had a play date, I made brownies for the bake sale the next day and then sat and had coffee with Janet.  Soon after that, Mareike arrived with her friend Clara and the 4 girls played all night.  They had a sleepover and it was fun to play with them and watch them play.

On Saturday morning we went to the school Open House. The girls go to an international school so it was a lot of fun.  They didn't have enough volunteers at the Spanish Cafe run by the Spanish classes, so I volunteered. It was fun to sell baked goods and coffee with some of the moms. I got to work with one Italian woman who is good friends with my "family." I was excited to get to speak some Italian with her and we both tried to speak Spanish at the cafĂ©.  It was so interesting because everyone at the school speaks English. I met people from so many countries and heard many different languages.  I rarely heard anyone speak German. It is great to be a part of this international community, it makes me feel much more comfortable here.

After the open house, we took the girls to play dates and birthday parties, then Janet Mattias and Iwent out to get "Turkish" Doner for lunch. I liked that quite a bit.  After lunch we came back to the house and our Italian friend Benedetta came again.  Her, Janet and I got to sit and drink wine and talk while Matthias went to pick up the kids. She gave me advice and told me the best way to get back to Italy to visit my Italian family.  Later, her daughter came over for a play date with Leonie and Mareike.

Today was a fun day.  We got to sleep in and then eat a late breakfast as a family. After breakfast, we went hiked about 5 kilometers up the hills to the Frankenstien Castle.  The hike was fun.  We followed the trails for the most part.  There were cool markings on trees.  It was cold out, but the fresh air along with the workout felt really good.  At one point, we figured out we took a wrong turn so we had to climb up a really steep, muddy hill and at about that point it started raining.  We all got pretty dirty and it took a little longer than expected, but we had a great time.

When we got to the castle, we met some family friends for lunch.  The family who has a 2-year-old son Jonas and a 7-year old daughter Carolina just got a new au pair, from England so they thought it would be good for us all to meet.  Jenny just arrived in Seeheim yesterday.  I was excited to meet someone else my own age but curious to see if we had any of the same interests and see how we would get along.  After a minute or two of talking, I decided that we would get along well.  We definitely have some of the same passions and I know God is answering my prayers.

Jenny is here to look for a job in Frankfurt as well as be an au pair for a few months.  She is with a church in England and plans to help plant a brand new church in Frankfurt. (How cool is that!?!) I was so excited when she told me this. She just got back from an 18-month-stay in Ghana where she helped plant another church.  This was such exciting news for me.  I'm excited to get to know her better and hopefully spend more time with her. She already plans to go to a Campus Crusade meeting with me in Darmstadt this week if we both can fit it in our schedule.  I prayed a lot before coming here that God would provide me with good connection to other Christians during my time here, and I already see him providing that. I'm excited to see how the next few months will go. :) 

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